design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy

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County - New Cairo (Egypt)

by Ibrahem Magdy
Designer Info
Profession: Architect/Founder
Company: Archist Design Studio
Hi everyone ,
Check our latest Residential compound design in Egypt (County New Cairo) Made for Misr Al Ghad Developments.

Hope U all enjoy and like it.
Thank You.
Ibrahem Magdy.

For more Project Follow Me on:
- Behance: Ibrahem Magdy
- FaceBook Page : Archist Design Studio

Technical Information
Software: Work Flow: Sketch-up 2017 - Lumion 8.0 - Photoshop CC

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Ibrahem Magdy | design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
Ibrahem Magdy | design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
Ibrahem Magdy | design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
Ibrahem Magdy | design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
Ibrahem Magdy | design and visualization by Ibrahem Magdy
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